Here is NK's CI.
NK mark
NK gets trusted by customers for its unmatched quality and quick & efficiently delivered services and realizes virtuous circle of energy to create value, caring the environment. Our cutting-edge equipment and technologies help create a safety-guaranteed product and innovative technological developments result in more sustainable ways from energy generation to consumption in an effort to protect the environment in the future.
NK mark expresses a dynamic and futuristic image to emphasize eco-friendliness aspects representing NK. The blue gradient in the spiral-shaped form emblematizes up-to-date energy technologies and the green-colored one serves to reflect an ideology of NK spearheading the environment protection through those technologies.
Symbol Mark
English CI
Korean CI
Keeping the existing NK's brand value intact, putting together the leaf-shaped green symbol and the corporate brand emphasizes the environmental-friendliness of the company.
NK-03 BlueBallast
Blue color is used to express the nature of NK's blue-ballast water treatment system designed to protect marine ecosystems. The wave-shaped pattern in the middle of the CI serves NK's commitment to relentlessly pioneer the marine extinguishing equipment industry.
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